The Department of City Planning’s Economic Development Division worked alongside property and business owners to guide planning decisions from an economic development perspective through events, listening sessions, and steering committees. Historic Cascade Heights is the center of several affluent and predominately African American neighborhoods in Southwest Atlanta.


Community relationships are an essential ingredient to the success of several long-standing businesses that have served the area for decades, as well as for new and planned shops and restaurants. Our community embodies the entrepreneurial spirit of Atlanta as neighbors serve neighbors and people support friends.


Visioning Sessions

June - July 2017

During these events, our community stated the district’s priorities as attracting new businesses, curating a more diverse retail mix, increasing walkability, reducing crime, and improving storefronts.



Business Breakfast Series

July - October 2017

This series was created to give current business owners and entrepreneurs a place to get additional training and support for business recruitment, retention, and expansion.


Commercial District Profile

This data driven marketing tool helps to quickly orient potential investors and people to the Historic Cascade Heights. The document highlights the community assets and investment potential.

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